Hello friends in this article you will learn What is CSS is and Why CSS is used. The first most important thing is why you should be aware of CSS. If you have learned HTML and have created a basic structure of the website. So it's beneficial for you to learn CSS. Now we will tell you below about why it is beneficial.
The second important thing is if you are an IT student or your mind runs very fast in coding etc. theme, apps, website, games are such things you want to create yourself. So even learning CSS will be beneficial for you. Now the third most important thing is that if you learn CSS and become a professional web designer, you can also make a good earning by designing the website of other people.
A web designer takes at least 50,000 income every month in India. To say that the future scope is also very good in this area. Now that learning one thing has so many advantages. So let's start with knowing what CSS is without time.
The full form of CSS is Cascading Style Sheet. CSS is a Simple design language. That is designed to simplify the process of submission to web pages. Using CSS you can control the color of web pages, font style, distance between paragraph, etc. That is to say. CSS makes the design of a web page a data. We will talk in detail below about the rest of the uses of CSS.
Now, the CSS was invented by HÃ¥kon Wium Lie on October 10, 1994. A group was created within W3C to maintain CSS named CSS working group. The task of this group was to create specification document this is the group that keeps the CSS updated. CSS has the main three types of work. Which is mentioned below.
Types of CSS
Basically CSS has three types:
1. Inline Style Sheet
With this Style Sheet, inline style is used in web pages where it is needed. You can use the inline style sheet to configure a particular element html. Inline CSS gives you the freedom to convert any one element. The peculiarity is that when we change one element, it doesn't change the rest of the elements.
2. Embedded or Internal style sheet
These style sheets are used in the top (head section) of the pages. The internal style sheet is placed within the <style > element. The rule of this type of style sheet applies to all element of the page. When we use the style element, it also uses the type attribute. Here the type attribute specifies what type of style to include in the document.
3. External Style Sheet
This is the most interesting Style Sheet of CSS. In this, we save it with ".css extension" by coding CSS in a separate file. Now whenever we connect the CSS file to the html file with the help of <link > element, this CSS file has an effect on the entire html file. This is done when you want to change the design of a website at once instead of changing it one by one.
So by now you may have known What is CSS. So let's now move this article and know why CSS is used.
Why CSS is Used?
By now you may have known what CSS is, and it's used to design a web page such as its page layout, text color, font and text style formatting. CSS is a very powerful style sheet language that allows us to control the look and feel of the content written. Suppose you have a website element....
Now if we want to change the size, color and padding around this title element, we will use CSS to change the look of our element here. You can easily learn the benefits of CSS, why CSS is important for web designing.
Benefits Of CSS
- Saving Time - CSS provides a lot of flexibility to set up properties. You can apply that same code to multiple groups of html element once you write CSS. This code can also be reused later in other web pages. That is to say you can save a lot of your time using css.
- Reduces Page Load Time - This is a big advantage of using CSS. Designing pages from CSS requires very few codes. Less codes in a web page means that it will be fast load.
- Easy To Maintain - It's quite easy to maintain a document with css. Just a change in CSS lets you quickly update multiple pages of that document.
- Bandwidth Saving - Bandwidth matters a lot for a high traffic website. If you use css instead of the table for the layout of the page, it will reduce that file size by 50%.
- For All Devices - Multiple device compatibility can be given to the same web page using CSS. So that the web page can be viewed accordingly in all device computer, phones, print.
- Improvements In Search Engine Ranking - Traffic is everything for a website. But traffic will only come when the pages of that website rank first in a search engines. Using CSS makes search engines easier to access that website. So that it ranks that page quickly by accessing it.
How to learn CSS
Start by learning HTML-if you have already learnt html, you can skip this step. But if you are just starting out, you must learn html. html is a very simple markup language. You will easily know what HTML is by reading this post. After learning html you will get a great degree of coding. This idea will help you learn CSS.
One of the most important thing is that you can't use css without learning html. One reason is the use of html, in creating a structure of the web page such as – head area, footer area and content area. The same CSS is used to give that structure the best design. So without html you can't use css.
Learn css basics before taking css course or buying a css book. Thousands of free websites are available on the internet. With whose help you can easily learn the basics of CSS. Websites like
tizag.com have been well explained in the complete codes of CSS and their examples. The biggest advantage of learning css basics would be that, you'll be able to gather more information about CSS.
Take CSS couching or buy books- It's not like you can't learn CSS from the internet or by looking at css tutorial in YouTube. But if you have a good Couching center around you, join it. The biggest benefit is that the atmosphere there will be exactly like a school class. So that you will quickly and easily learn CSS. You can also take online coaching.
udemy.com is a paid websites whose service is very good.
Practice CSS Codes- This is the most important step. If you really want to be a pro web designer. So practice css codes again and again. coding is something that you won't have until you experiments it. You can resort to notepad text editor or notepad++ to practice css.
Always save css codes from .css file extension after writing it. You can then link this file to your html file and run it into web browser. Browser will show you its output. Gradually, you practice them and then one day it will come when you have fully learnt CSS.
Create a website yourself-this step will help you most in learning CSS. For example– as you learn CSS, use it to create a website of your own. The biggest advantage of this would be that you'll know how codes work. Frequent experiments in the website will make it much easier for you to design the website in the future.
These were the ways in which you can learn CSS. Now let's understand the difference in html and css. After knowing what is the difference between the two, you will know the value of both of them and how to use them together.
What is the difference between HTML and CSS?
1) The first difference between HTML and CSS is that html portrays the content and structure of a web page. Rather css modify the design and display of the html element.
2) The second difference between these CSS can be used in html files. But html cannot be used in css style sheets.
3) The third difference between HTML and CSS is no method of using html elements. Inline CSS code, Internal and External stylesheet can be used in any method to implement css codes.
4) The fourth difference between them is the tags used in html. html tags are fundamentally keyword (tag name) that engage in angular brackets and usually come in a couple. For example – opening tag
<tagname> closing tag </tagname>
While CSS contains selectors that represent the code block. css codes are curly brackets written within { }. We define them with properties and value to style the CSS CuCM code. Between properties and value we put the colon: point.
What you've known
Through this article you have known What is CSS. At the same time, we also know the types of topics related, the advantages of CSS, and the difference between HTML and CSS. Hopefully this article will have been helpful for you. For any kind of question you can ask us to comment below.